Friday, October 26, 2007

True Wisdom

It's been a while...a little past that Sep 10th date mentioned a couple of posts ago. A good buddy of mine asked why this time would be different compared to the times I've said this over the last 12 years I've known him.

Where have I been? What have I done? The scary thing is that its nothing much to blog about. I've been caught up in that little thing called life. Thought I better throw out a quick post however and mention a couple of things going on for us.

  • Started studying for the Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP) exam. All technical exams are tough but this is supposed to be one of the more difficult. Lovely. As if I had nothing else to do.
  • Applied to graduate school. What this really amounted to was studying for the GRE. Some might say, "But doesn't that test your comprehensive knowledge?" Yep. But its nice to get a few extra points to make sure you can actually meet the minimum requirements of the school.
  • Reading. Yes, I finally have taken back my hobby. I'm mainly catching up on an old reading list but am attempting to enjoy an hour a day plus the Sabbaths are my delight!
  • Premiers. YES!! The Office has been ok this year (last nights show I felt it was back to classical Office) and Scrubs premiered the first show of its last season last night. I want to catch back up with House and 30 Rock but maybe one day. And that's the sum of my TV watching minus the occasional Still Standing that I've missed or something else that catches my attention.
  • Trying to get started helping with promoting Ron Paul for 2008. Oh yeah, vote for him in your primaries and visit his website here.
  • Catching up with the family. Yes, its been nice to spend time with the family and actually not have to do the 2-minute sound bites. Great stuff.

Anyway, that's enough for now. I will continue to keep you posted on my exciting life. BTW, did I hear someone say the World Series is going on right now?! Go SOX! (sorry you Yankee's fans).

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